Saturday 1 September 2012

Day-8 awakening awareness, Muhammad only a dumb savage man, still Islamic masturbation

(Dalam bahasa Indonesia di bawah)

Today is the 8th day after confirmation by Minister of CIT (by not answering questions) spread the news that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet, according to the Koran only a fool savage man, does not violate the ITE-Law and broadly appeal that Islam should be removed gradually from Indonesia through peaceful means, untill today no one protested. Even on August 27 Minister of Law and Human right said discourse on the internet should be faced with as well argued to healthy democratic.

What happen after Sampang unrest attractive to follow, while explaining that the teachings of Muhammad which are ignorant and barbarous made ​​a lot of distortions in social life.

Logic healthy human thinking, if there is a problem, find the source and resolve the source so that the problem does not recur, but the logic of those who live in ignorance and barbarism of Islam be upside down. They are afraid, do not want, do not dare to touch the source of the problem and then struggling doing Islamic Masturbation or evasive touching the source of problems for various reasons. Notice what was written below.
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Shia conflict that occurred last week in Sampang, Madura, made ​​a lot of people start asking what's going on with the Shia. Who are they and why could continue until the bloody conflict?

What is discussed the problem Shia, do not want to see that both Shiites and Sunnis believe in the Koran the book of Allah hu Barbar and believe Muhammad an illiterate Arabs that according to the Koran only a dumb and barbarous man is a prophet. Do not want to see that neither Sunni nor Shia follow the same teachings that are ignorant and barbaric teachings of Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet and do not want to see that this teachings of ignorant and savage is the source of the problem.

Here's twitter message from a figure in Indonesia.

@BenerBoim Do not like a religion does not mean have to insult. Hated it poisons of self esophagus.

Invited to discuss the source of the problem which not only causes unrest Sampang but also a lot of unrest in Indonesia, this figure even evaded by saying discussing Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet according to the Koran only a fool savage man is an insult.

It should be explained, saying that Muhammad who revered as noble actualy only a dumb savage man, not CONTEMPT but disclosed the forgery that is not only detrimental to the nation but also endanger community. This fraud is easily seen by using the Koran. In one verse in the Koran Muhammad illiterate Arab who claims prophet said word of Allah hu Barbar that Muhammad a human of morality but in another verse, this ignorant and savage men declared himself KILLER.

From the statement of this figure easily concluded that the riots of Sampang and the like are not to be resolved at the grassroots level but that should be done is to align the thinking of elites who have turned upside down because to be follower of the stupid and savage teachings of Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet.

It should be encouraged so that they do not continue to do Islamic masturbation but dare to open and civilized discussion, who is actually Muhammad hailed as the prophet, a human noble or a human of dumb savage. Of course it is a shame if people as prominent as Goenawan Mohamad not dare to an open and civilized discussion about the Koran which is believed by many  of Indonesian as book of Allah hu Barbar but there is never a book from God.

Further Information please read:

Hari ke-8 bangkitnya kesadaran Muhammad hanya manusia DUNGU dan BIADAB, masih ONANI Islamiyah

Hari ini adalah hari ke-8 sesudah ada konfirmasi dari Menkominfo (dengan tidak menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan) menyebarluaskan berita bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi, menurut Alquran hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB, tidak melanggar UU ITE dan himbauan secara luas agar Islam dihapus secara bertahap dari Indonesia melalui jalan damai, hingga hari ini tidak ada yang protes. Bahkan pada tanggal 27 Agustus Menkumham mengatakan wacana di internet harus dihadapi dengan wacana juga untuk menyehatkan demokrasi

Buntut kerusuhan Sampang menarik diikuti sambil menjelaskan bahwa ajaran Muhammad yang DUNGU dan BIADAB membuat banyak distorsi dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.

Logika manusia yang berfikir sehat, jika ada masalah, cari sumbernya dan atasi sumbernya sehingga masalah tidak terulang kembali, tetapi logika orang yang hidup dalam KEDUNGUAN dan KEBIADABAN Islamiyah menjadi terbalik-balik. Mereka takut, tidak mau, tidak berani menyentuh sumber masalahnya lalu berkutat melakukan ONANI Islamiyah atau mengelak menyentuh sumbernya dengan berbagai alasan. Perhatikan apa yang ditulis berikut ini.

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Konflik Syiah yang terjadi pekan lalu di Sampang, Madura, membuat banyak orang mulai bertanya ada apa sebenarnya dengan Syiah. Siapa mereka dan kenapa bisa berlanjut konfliknya hingga bersimbah darah?

Yang dibahas masalah Syiah, tidak mau dilihat bahwa baik Syiah maupun Sunni percaya Alquran kitab dari Allah hu Barbar dan percaya Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang menurut Alquran hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB adalah nabi. Tidak mau dilihat bahwa baik Sunni maupun Syiah mengikuti ajaran yang sama yaitu ajaran DUNGU dan BIADAB dari Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi dan tidak mau dilihat bahwa ajaran DUNGU dan BIADAB itulah yang menjadi sumber masalahnya.

Berikut ini pesan twitter dari seorang tokoh di Indonesia.

@BenerBoim Tak menyukai satu agama tak berarti perlu menghinanya. Benci itu racun dalam kerongkongan sendiri.

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