Thursday 6 September 2012

Din Syamsuddin doing Masturbation again, Masturbation again, saying Islam forbids acts of TERROR

JAKARTA, - Chairman of the Central Board (PP) Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin requested actions of terrorism are not associated with Islam. He reminded that every religion in the world, including Islam, forbids any act of terror.

It has often reminded to Din Syamsuddin do not doing Islamic Masturbation in public, but hobby of Din Syasudin doing Islamic Masturbation does not decrease even increased. It is true, religion does not teach act of terror but Islam is not a religion, only heresy of Muhammad illiterate Arab an ignorant savage who claimed prophet, teaches terror.

8:12. [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."

Whether Din Syamsudin do not understand that the above verse  is a verse of TERROR made by Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet?

33:26. And He brought down those who supported them among the People of the Scripture from their fortresses and cast terror into their hearts [so that] a party you killed, and you took captive a party.

In the above verse Muhammad flaunt his stupidity, made a verse that tells us that he is a KILLER and in fact not only kill but in that event, Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet massacred about 800 Jews in the open market at Yatrib.

What was the goal of Mohammad beheaded Jews one by one in front of the crowd? Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet had did stupid and barbaric acts, made terror for people fear in him and honor him as a prophet.

Come Din Syamsudin please do not drown the nation by continue doing Islamic Masturbation, face the Authors of Book Six Ways Toward God in a civilized open discussion witnessed by many people, prove that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet not a TERRORIST. In the presence of many people, I wait for your courage.


Din Syamsudin Onani lagi, Onani lagi, mengatakan Islam mengharamkan perbuatan TEROR

JAKARTA, - Ketua Umum Pengurus Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin meminta aksi terorisme tidak dikaitkan dengan Islam. Dia mengingatkan bahwa setiap agama di dunia, termasuk Islam, mengharamkan setiap perbuatan teror.

Sudah sering diingatkan agar Din Syamsudin tidak melakukan ONANI Islamiyah di ruang publik, ternyata kegemaran Din Syasudin melakukan ONANI Islamiyah tidak berkurang malah bertambah. Benar agama tidak mengajarakan teror tetapi Islam yang bukan agama melainkan hanya ajaran sesat dari Muhammad Arab buta huruf DUNGU dan BIADAB yang mengaku nabi, mengajarkan teror.

8:12. (Ingatlah), ketika Tuhanmu mewahyukan kepada para malaikat: "Sesungguhnya Aku bersama kamu, maka teguhkan (pendirian) orang-orang yang telah beriman." Kelak akan Aku jatuhkan rasa ketakutan ke dalam hati orang-orang kafir, maka penggallah kepala mereka dan pancunglah tiap-tiap ujung jari mereka.

Apa Din Syamsudin tidak paham bahwa ayat di atas adalah ayat TEROR buatan Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi?

33:26. Dan Dia menurunkan orang-orang Ahli Kitab (Bani Quraizhah) yang membantu golongan-golongan yang bersekutu dari benteng-benteng mereka, dan Dia memesukkan rasa takut ke dalam hati mereka. Sebahagian mereka kamu bunuh dan sebahagian yang lain kamu tawan.

Di ayat di atas Muhammad memamerkan KEDUNGUANNYA, membuat ayat yang menceritakan bahwa dia adalah PEMBUNUH dan dalam kenyataannya bukan hanya membunuh tetapi di peristiwa tersebut Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi MEMBANTAI sekitar 800 Yahudi di pasar terbuka di Yatrib.

Apa maksud Muhammad memenggal kepala orang-orang Yahudi satu persatu di hadapan orang banyak? Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi melakukan perbuatan DUNGU yang BIADAB, yaitu membuat TEROR kepada orang banyak agar mereka takut kepada Muhammad dan mau menghormatinya sebagai nabi.

Ayo Din Syamsudin jangan menjerumuskan bangsa dengan terus melakukan ONANI Islamiyah, hadapi Penulis Buku Enam Jalan Menuju Tuhan dalam diskusi terbuka yang beradab disaksikan banyak orang, buktikan bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi bukan TERORIS. Dengan disaksikan orang banyak, saya tunggu keberanian Anda.


  1. Today The International Media Specially Western Media They Are Saying That..."All Muslims Are Not Terrorist But All Terrorist Are Muslim."

    But If You Go Back To The History Of The World You Will Find 100% Falsehood In This Statement.
    For E
    xample, In The History Of The World Who Has Killed Maximum Innocent Human Beings?????

    1) "Hitler"
    Do You Know Who Was He?????
    He Was A Christian!!
    But Media Will Never Say That Christians Are Terrorist!!!!!

    2)Joseph Stalin Called As Uncle Joe
    "He Has Killed 20 Million Human Beings Including 14.5 Million Were Starved To Death"
    Was He Muslim??

    4) Mao Tse Tsung (China)
    "He Has Killed 14 To 20 Million Human Beings."
    Was He Muslim??

    5) Benito Mussolini (Italy)
    "He Has Killed 400 Thousand Human Being.
    Was He Muslim??

    6) Ashoka
    "In Kalinga Battle He Has Killed 100 Thousand Human Being.
    Was He Muslim??

    7) Embargo Put By
    George Bush
    In Iraq 1/2 Million Children Has Been Killed In Iraq Alone!!!
    Imagine This People Are Never Called Terrorist By The Media.

    And Added

    When America takes 1 million lives in Iraq for oil: Muslims?
    When India kills 5 lakh people in Kashmir , Rapped their women: Muslims?
    When Serbs rape Muslim women inKosovo/Bosnia: Muslims?
    When Russians kill 200,000 Chechens in bombings: Muslims?
    When Jews kick out Palestinians and take their land: Muslims?
    When American drones kill entire family in Afghanistan/ Pakistan: Muslims?
    When Israel kills 10,000 Lebanese civilians due to 2 missing soldiers: Muslims?

    When Muslims retaliate and show you how you treat us:

    It seems like the word
    "Terrorism" is only reserved for Muslims.

    There are millions and millions of Muslims all over the world since centuries, if Islam encourage Terrorism and killing the innocence, everyone will be dead!

    Today The Majority Of The Non Muslims Are Afraid By Hearing The Words "Jihad"

    Jihad Is An Arabic Word Which Comes From Root Arabic Word"Jahad" Which Means "To Strive" Or "To Struggle"
    "To Strive Or Struggle" Against Evil And For Justice, It Does Not Mean Killing Innocents ,The Difference is We Stand Against Evil , Not With Evil"

    Please SHARE to maximum people as possible so that they'll know the truth!

    1. Do you agree Muhammad is a terrorist? If you don't, could you proof using the Koran that Muhammad not a terrorist?
