Thursday 16 August 2012

Today I sent a message via Twitter to the Chairman of the Parliament

Dalam bahasa Indonesia di bawah.

Untill today (08/17/2012) we have not received comments from Mr. Tifatul Sembiring, for the news that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet according to the Koran only a dumb savage man, can be discussed in an open and civilized manner, today I send a message via Twitter to the Chairman of Parliament Dr. Marzuki Alie.

@ MA_DPR Mr. Speaker of the House, according to the Koran Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet, a dumb savage, 41 bil. budget could be saved.

Openly and civilized discussion, proofing that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet according to the Koran only a dumb savege man is IMPORTANT for the life of our nation.

If it is undeniable that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed  prophet just a dumb savage man, the Ministry of Religious Affairs budget by 41 trillion on Budget 2013 can be used for the welfare of the people.

We hope the Chairman of the Parliament can do a patriotic act, taken important step, immediately held open dicussion in civilized manner, about the reality of Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet. Parliament can held a public hearing and this opinion can be use for the beginning of the discussion.

We wait.

Chairman of the Parliament comments

@ BetulBoim illiterate does not mean dumb and stupid, just a matter of chance

@ MA_DPR given verse "Read" not try learn to read but make a book, it's no wonder remains illiterate, so ignorant and barbarous.

@ BetulBoim It is true Muhammad illiterate, but with miracle of the Koran, all the word of God through Gabriel can be digested by rote.

@ MA_DPR Word of Allah hu  Barbar? But it is just fairy tale, this is expressed by Deputy Minister of religious affair before the President, realy embarrassing.

Today (16/08/2012) I sent a message via Twitter to Mr. Tifatul Sembiring.

According to Wikipedia:
Tifatul Sembiring (born Bukitinggi, West Sumatra, 28 September 1961) is an Indonesian politician. He is chairman of the conservative and Islamic Prosperous Justice Party and Minister of Communication and Information in the Second United Indonesia Cabinet. He has a degree in computer engineering from the Information and Computing Management School (Indonesian: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer), Jakarta, and was active in a number of Indonesian Islamic organisations from his student days, such as PII, the Indonesian Student's Association[1][2]
His father is Karo and moved to Bukittinggi where he married a Minangkabau woman.[3] Tifatul is the head of the big family in Guguak Tabek Sarojo, Agam, West Sumatra by the title Datuk Tumangguang.[4] He is married to Sri Rahayu and has seven children: Sabriana, Fathan, Ibrahim, Yusuf, Fatimah, Muhammad and Abdurrahman Sembiring.
Content of the message:
@tifasembiring Brother Tifatul, Muhammad who claimed prophet dumb and savage, your response?, Can be discussed openly and civilized?

Lets we wait response from Mr. Tifatul Sembiring, hopefully he would encourage open and civilized discussion about Muhammad so people can know more about Muhammad which is believed a prophet.

Hari ini saya  mengirim pesan melalui twitter kepada Ketua DPR-RI

Sampai hari ini (17/08/2012) kita belum mendapat komentar dari Bapak Tifatul Sembiring dan agar berita bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf  yang mengaku nabi yang menurut Alquran hanya  manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB dapat segera dibahas secara terbuka dan beradab, hari ini saya mengirim pesan melalui Twitter kepada Ketua DPR-RI Bapak Dr. Marzuki Alie.

Pak Ketua DPR, nurut Alquran Muhammad Arab buta huruf yg ngaku nabi DUNGU&BIADAB, 41 tril. APBN bisa dihemat.

Pembahasan secara terbuka dan beradab pembuktian bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi menurut Alquran hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB sangat PENTING bagi kehidupan berbangsa dan  bernegara.

Jika tidak terbantahkan bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku  nabi  hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB, anggaran Kementerian  Agama sebanyak 41 triliyun pada APBN 2013 dapat digunakan untuk mensejahterakan rakyat.

Kita berharap Ketua DPR-RI dapat berbuat PATRIOTIK, mengambil langkah penting segera mambahas secara terbuka dan beradab siapa sebenarnya Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi. DPR-RI dapat menyelenggarakan rapat dengar pendapat dan pendapat ini boleh dijadikan awal pembahasan.

Kita tunggu.

Komentar Ketua DPR-RI
buta huruf bukan berarti dungu dan bodoh, hanya masalah kesempatan
Dikasih ayat "Bacalah" bukan belajar membaca malah bikin kitab, tak heran tetap buta huruf, jadi DUNGU&BIADAB.

Muhammad SAW memang buta hurup, tapi dengan mukzizat Al Qur'an, semua firman allah melaui jibril dapat dicerna di luar kepala.
Firman Allah hu Barbar? Ternyata cuma DONGENG tuh, ini Wamenag yg ungkapkan di hadapan Presiden, maluin deh.

Hari  ini (16/08/2012) saya mengirim sebuah pesan lewat Twitter kepada Bapak Tifatul Sembiring,

Menurut Wikipedia:
Tifatul Sembiring (lahir di Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat, 28 September 1961; umur 50 tahun) adalah politikus Indonesia yang menjabat sebagai Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika sejak 22 Oktober 2009. Sebelumnya ia menggantikan Hidayat Nur Wahid sebagai Presiden Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS). Tifatul Sembiring merupakan insinyur komputer lulusan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STI&K) Jakarta. Sebelum terjun dalam politik praktis, ia pernah berkarier di PT PLN (persero) dalam bidang telekomunikasi dan pemrosesan data. Ia juga pernah menjadi aktivis Pelajar Islam Indonesia (PII) semasa mudanya. Dan sekarang menjadi Dewan Pertimbangan Pusat Perhimpunan Keluarga Besar PII 2008-2011.

Isi pesan:

@tifasembiring Bang Tifatul, Muhammad yg mengaku nabi, DUNGU&BIADAB, tanggapan  Anda?, bisa dibahas terbuka & beradab?

Kita tunggu apa tanggapan Bapak Tifatul Sembiring, mudah-mudahan dapat mendorong diskusi terbuka yang beradab tentang Muhammad agar bangsa ini dapat mengenal lebih mendalam tentang Muhammad yang dipercaya sebagai nabi.

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