Friday 24 August 2012

Day-5 waiting for confirmation from the Chairman of the House of Representatives

(Dalam bahasa Indonesia di bawah)

On messages I send via twitter to the Chairman of the House of Representatives:

Day-4 waiting for confirmation from the Chairman of the House of Representatives

the Chairman of the House of Representatives replied:
@BetulBoim confirm what? For religious affairs, please contact directly to its expert, PP Muhammadiyah, NU, MUI and Ministry of Religion

I have replied that message:
@MA_DPR If you are a gentleman, we meet. You take all the arguments by which your mind astray, I wait -> I've replied, I am ready sir

Additional comments:
I just remind the challenges for a meeting came from the Chairman of the House of Representatives.

The next message from the Chairman of the House of Representatives:
@BetulBoim do not have to challenge that way, your name is not clear. If you are a gentleman should appear with your name.

My answer:
@MA_DPR My name is clear: A. Darmawan, date of birth July 22, 1949 in Jakarta, retired PT KA, author of 6 Ways Toward God.

Additional comments:
In my twitter account written my name Apollinaris Darmawan and  photo of my book cover as well as on my blog written my name Apollinaris Darmawan and photo of my book cover. For the Speaker of the House of Representatives more convinced who  was faced that man has clear identity and well known to some people maybe Metro-TV can help replay my record in Kick Andy Show, or the President of the Court to explain to the Chairman of the House of Representatives that I had been present at the trial Constitution Court , or Bro Pramono Anung Wibowo, Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives to explain who I am to the Chairman of the House of Representatives.

The next message from the Chairman of the House of Representatives:
@BetulBoim For me religion no need to be contrasted, we are responsible to their respective beliefs, no need to insult people's beliefs

My answer:
@MA_DPR That needs to be clarified is not religion but believe there is a book from God and this is detrimental to and even endanger the state and society.

Additional comments:
I explained via twitter and I also wrote a blog that should be discussed in an open and civilized manner not a matter of belief but there is a lot of misinformation that Indonesian people believe there is a book from God and because of this false information, the state and society are not only disadvantaged but caught up in a lot of violence.

Once again need to be underlined, who requested a meeting between me and the Speaker of the House of Representatives is the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the need to be discussed not the issue of religion but a problem of knowledge.

We await confirmation from the Chairman of the House of Representatives when an open and civilized discussion will be held because this discussion has important meaning. If the Chairman of the Parliament through an open and civilized discussion colud be understand that there is no book of God certainly impact of education to society is huge.

Hari ke-5 menunggu konfirmasi dari Ketua DPR-RI

Atas pesan yang saya kirim melalui twitter kepada Ketua DPR-RI,

Hari ke-4 menunggu konfirmasi dari Ketua DPR-RI

Ketua DPR-RI menjawab:
@BetulBoim konfirmasi apa ? Silahkan urusan agama langsung kepada ahlinya, PP Muhammadiah, Nahdatul Ulama, MUI n Kementeian Agama

Pesan itu saya balas:
@MA_DPR klo anda gentleman, kita bertemu. Anda bawa semua argumentasi menurut pikiran anda yg sesat, sy tunggu ->Saya sudah jawab, siap Pak

Tambahan komentar:
Saya hanya mengingatkan tantangan bertemu datang dari Ketua DPR-RI.

Pesan selanjutnya dari Ketua DPR-RI:
@BetulBoim tdk usah menantang seperti itu, nama anda saja tidak jelas. Kalau anda gentleman harusnya tampil dg nama anda.

Jawaban saya:
@MA_DPR Nama sy jelas: A. Darmawan, lahir tgl 22 Juli 1949 di Jkt, pensiunan PT KA, penulis buku 6 Jl nuju Tuhan.

Komentar tambahan:
Di Akun twitter saya tertulis nama saya Apollinaris Darmawan dan ada foto sampul buku saya demikian juga di blog saya tertulis nama Apollinaris Darmawan dan ada foto sampul buku saya. Agar Ketua DPR-RI lebih yakin bahwa yang dihadapi adalah manusia yang punya identitas jelas dan dikenal banyak orang ada baiknya Metro-TV menampilkan kembali rekaman saya di Kick Andy Show, atau Ketua MK menjelaskan kepada Ketua DPR-RI bahwa saya pernah hadir di sidang MK, atau  Mas Pramnono Anung Wibowo, Wakil Ketua DPR-RI menjelaskan siapa saya sebenarnya kepada Ketua DPR-RI.

Pesan selanjutnya dari Ketua DPR-RI:
@BetulBoim bagi saya agama tdk perlu dipertentangkan, kita bertanggung jawab kepada masing2 kepercayaan, tdk perlu menghina kepercayaan org

Jawaban saya:
@MA_DPR Yg perlu diluruskan bukan agama tapi ada kitab dipercaya dari Tuhan dan ini merugikan n bahkan membahayakan negara serta masyarakat.

Komentar tambahan:
Sudah  saya jelaskan melalui twitter dan juga saya tulis di blog bahwa yang harus didiskusikan secara terbuka dan beradab bukan masalah kepercayaan tapi ada informasi yang salah sehingga banyak orang Indonesia percaya ada kitab dari Tuhan dan karena informasi yang salah ini, negara dan masyarakat bukan hanya dirugikan tapi terjebak dalam banyak tindak kekerasan.

Sekali lagi perlu digarisbawahi, yang meminta pertemuan antara saya dan Ketua DPR-RI adalah Ketua DPR-RI dan yang perlu dibahas bukan masalah agama tapi masalah pengetahuan.

Kita tunggu konfirmasi dari Ketua DPR-RI kapan diskusi secara terbuka dan beradab akan digelar karena diskusi ini mempunyai arti yang sangat penting. Jika Ketua DPR-RI melalui diskusi terbuka dan beradab memahami bahwa tidak ada kitab dari Tuhan tentu dampak pendidikan kepada masyarakat besar sekali.

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