Monday 27 August 2012

After 8 days without any confirmation it can be ascertained Speaker of the House of Representatives is not a knight

(Dalam bahasa Indonesia di bawah)

Today is the 8th day since I answered the request of the Chairman of the House of Representatives to meet but there has been no confirmation from the Chairman of the House of Representatives for a meeting between the Chairman of the House of Representatives and Author of the Book Six Ways Toward God will be held.

On profile of twitter account of Speaker of the House of Representatives stated: @MA_DPR “Life is not always full of flowers. Do my best for our country, nation and people.”

But I'm not sure Speaker of the House of Representatives want to do "his best for our country, nation and people."

I have explained clearly that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet according to the Koran only a fool savage man and believe there is a book of Allah hu Barbar not only harm the country with trilions of rupiah each year but also endanger the state and society, the Chairman of the House of Representatives did not argue but challenged to meet with threat if not daring to meet would be labeled as not gentleman while accusing heresy.

I have replied the challenge said I am ready to meet as long as the meeting open and civilized. Chairman of the House of Representatives did not confirm when the meeting will take place but instead avoiding by saying "not people of the Scripture" and suggested a discussion of religion is done by experts.

Pleaded not a religious scholar, but Speaker of the House of Representatives selling Islam, recommends choosing a leader from Muslim when talked at the Twin Plaza Hotel, dated August 26, 2012 and do Islamic masturbation by writing:

@cokmayun @rahung Islam does not teach violence, Islam teaches brotherhood, peace and unity.

It should be questioned whether the Speaker of the House of Representatives are allowed selling Islam and by selling Islam is the Chairman of the House of Representatives "Do his best to our contry, and perople nation"? I am sure not because it has been proven that Islam adverse the country to trillions of rupiah every year and Islam triggered unrest as happened in Sampang two days ago.

I said Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet according to the Koran only a fool savage man and I'll explain what I had said in an open and civilized.

But why is the Chairman of the House of Representatives did not want and did not dare to explain in open and civilized what he wrote himself?

@BetulBoim if you are a gentleman, we meet. Bring all your arguments along with your mind astray, I wait

After 8 days there was no confirmation from the Chairman of the House of Representatives do not have to wait anymore because it has become clear, Speaker of the House of Representatives is not a knight.

Setelah 8 hari tanpa ada konfirmasi sudah dapat dipastikan Ketua DPR-RI bukan seorang Kesatria.

Hari ini sudah hari ke-8 sejak saya menjawab permintaan Ketua DPR-RI untuk bertemu tetapi belum ada konfirmasi dari Ketua DPR-RI kapan pertemuan antara Ketua DPR-RI dengan Penulis Buku Enam Jalan Menuju Tuhan akan diselenggarakan.

Di profil akun twitter Ketua DPR-RI tertera: @MA_DPR “Life is not always full of flowers. Do my best for our country, nation and people.”

Tetapi saya tidak yakin Ketua DPR-RI mau melakukan “Do hisy best for our country, nation and people.”

Sudah saya jelaskan secara gamblang bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi menurut Alquran hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB dan percaya ada kitab dari Allah hu Barbar bukan hanya merugikan negara triliyunan rupiah setiap tahun tetapi juga membahayakan negara dan masyarakat, Ketua DPR-RI tidak membantah tetapi menantang bertemu dengan ancaman jika tidak berani bertemu akan dicap tidak gentleman sambil menuduh saya sesat.

Tantangan itu sudah saya jawab bahwa saya siap bertemu selama pertemuan itu terbuka dan beradab. Ketua DPR-RI tidak melakukan konfirmasi kapan pertemuan akan digelar tetapi malah menghindar dengan mengatakan “bukan ahli kitab” dan menyarankan diskusi agama dilakukan dengan ahlinya.

Mengaku bukan ahli agama, tetapi Ketua DPR-RI jualan Islam dengan menganjurkan memilih  pemimpin yang Islam ketika berbicara di Hotel Twin Plaza, tanggal 26 Agustus 2012 dan melakukan ONANI Islamiyah dengan menulis:

@cokmayun @rahung islam tdk mengajarkan kekerasan, islam mengajarkan persaudaraan, kedamaian dan persatuan.

Perlu dipertanyakan apakah Ketua DPR-RI dibolehkan jualan Islam dan dengan berjualan Islam apakah Ketua DPR-RI “Do his best to our contry, nation and perople”? Saya kira tidak karena sudah terbukti bahwa Islam merugikan negara hingga triliyunan rupiah setiap tahun dan Islam memjadi pemicu kerusuhan seperti yang terjadi di Sampang dua hari yang lalu.

Saya mengatakan Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi menurut Alquran hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB dan saya berani menjelaskan apa yang saya katakan secara terbuka dan beradab.

Tetapi mengapa Ketua DPR-RI tidak mau dan tidak berani menjelaskan secara terbukan dan beradab apa yang ditulisnya sendiri?

@BetulBoim klo anda gentleman, kita bertemu. Anda bawa semua argumentasi menurut pikiran anda yg sesat, sy tunggu

Setelah 8 hari tidak ada konfirmasi dari Ketua DPR-RI kita tidak perlu menunggu lagi karena sudah menjadi jelas, Ketua DPR-RI bukan seorang KESATRIA.

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