Sunday 26 August 2012

Day-7 waiting for confirmation from the Chairman of the House of Representatives

(Dalam bahasa Indonesia di bawah)

Today is the 7th day since I answered the request to the Chairman of the House of Representatives to meet but there has been no confirmation from the Chairman of the House of Representatives when a meeting between the Chairman of the House of Representatives and Author of the Book Six Ways Toward God to be held, even I received the following message from Chairman of the House of Representatives.

@BetulBoim I'm also not the people of the Scripture for debate, I believe that my religion order me to believe in books which was revealed.

The message I have answered with a question, "Who is people of the Scripture?" But not answered by the Chairman of the House of Representatives and we need to question why the Speaker of the House of Representatives even be afraid to realize his own challenge to meet me with reason not people of the Scripture.

That need to be discussed openly and in civilized manner only the statement from the Chairman of the House of Representatives himself "Believe the Koran is a book of Allah" because there is no book of God, all book made by human.

Imagine if the Speaker of the House of Representatives stated publicly "I believe burning incense bring salvation" what would happen? Definitely would be humiliated by crowd, whereas burning incense to search for salvation rooted from the our culture, is not detrimental to the country and do not endanger the public.

Compare with what was publicly disclosed by the Chairman of the House of Representatives "Believe the Koran is book of Allah" the impact is not only adverse state's fund trillion rupiah  each year but also endanger the public. The proof is the Sampang riots yesterday so there are people who were killed simply because they believe the Koran is book of Allah.

In order the riot of Sampang not happen again, do not blame the people, we focus first on understanding the Speaker of the House of Representatives. As long as the Chairman of the House of Representatives still believe the Koran is the book of Allah, do not expect the general public aware that the following verse is not only a fool savage babble of Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet. Just as the Chairman of the House of Representatives they for sure believe the following verse is the holy commandment of Allah

9:123 O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.

I need to reiterate I am not challenging the Speaker of the House of Representatives but response to the challenge of the Speaker of the House of Representatives to meet in an open and civilized and what we are waiting for is the bravery of the Chairman of the House of Representatives to meet what has been written by himself.

Let us wait for the realization of an open and civilized discussion between the Chairman of the House of Representatives with Author of the Book Six Ways Toward God discusses whether the Koran is book of Allah.

Further information please read:

Hari ke-7 menunggu konfirmasi dari Ketua DPR-RI.

Hari ini sudah hari ke-7 sejak saya menjawab permintaan Ketua DPR-RI untuk bertemu tetapi belum ada konfirmasi dari Ketua DPR-RI kapan pertemuan antara Ketua DPR-RI dengan Penulis Buku Enam Jalan Menuju Tuhan akan diselenggarakan, malah saya menerima pesan berikut dari Ketua DPR-RI .

@BetulBoim saya juga bukan ahli kitab utk memperdebatkannya, sy percaya dg agama saya yg mewajibkan saya percaya dg kitab yg diwahyukan.

Pesan tersebut saya jawab dengan pertanyaan, “Siapa ahli  kitab?” tetapi tidak dijawab oleh Ketua DPER-RI dan perlu kita pertanyakan mengapa Ketua DPR-RI malah menjadi takut merealisasikan tantangannya sendiri untuk bertemu saya dengan alasan bukan ahli kitab.

Yang perlu didiskusikan secara terbuka dan beradab hanya pernyataan dari Ketua DPR-RI sendiri “Percaya Alquran kitab dari Allah“ karena tidak ada kitab dari Tuhan, semua  kitab buatan manusia.

Bayangkan jika seorang Ketua DPR-RI menyatakan secara terbuka “Saya percaya membakar kemenyan mendatangkan keselamatan” apa jadinya? Pasti dihujat orang banyak padahal membakar kemenyan untuk mencari selamat berasal dari budaya sendiri dan tidak merugikan negara serta tidak membahayakan masyarakat.

Bandingkan dengan apa yang diungkapkan secara terbuka oleh Ketua DPR-RI “Percaya Alquran kitab dari Allah” dampaknya bukan hanya merugikan negara triliyunan rupiah setiap tahun tetapi juga membahayakan masyarakat. Buktinya kemarin terjadi kerusuhan di Sampang sehingga ada orang yang dibunuh hanya karena percaya Alquran kitab dari Allah.

Agar  kerusuhan Sampang tidak terulang lagi, jangan menyalahkan rakyat, kita fokuskan saja pada pemahaman Ketua DPR-RI. Selama Ketua DPR-RI masih percaya Alquran kitab dari Allah, jangan berharap masyarakat luas sadar bahwa ayat berikut ini bukan ocehan DUNGU  yang BIADAB dari Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi. Sama seperti Ketua DPR-RI mereka pasti percaya  ayat berikut perintah suci dari Allah.

9:123. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, perangilah orang-orang kafir yang di sekitar kamu itu, dan hendaklah mereka menemui kekerasan daripadamu, dan ketahuilah, bahwasanya Allah bersama orang-orang yang bertaqwa.

Saya perlu tegaskan saya tidak menantang Ketua DPR-RI tetapi saya hanya menjawab tantangan Ketua DPR-RI untuk bertemu secara terbuka dan beradab dan yang kita tunggu adalah keberanian dari Ketua DPR-RI memenuhi apa yang sudah ditulisnya sendiri.

Mari kita tunggu realisasi diskusi terbuka dan beradab antara Ketua DPR-RI dengan Penulis Buku  Enam Jalan Menuju Tuhan membahas apakah Alquran kitab dari Allah.

Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan baca:

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