Friday 24 August 2012

Minister of Communication and Informatics: Tell that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet according to the Koran only a dumb savage man does not violate the ITE-Law

(Dalam bahasa Indonesia di bawah)

I sent the following question to the Minister of Communication and Informatics via twitter yesterday dated August 24, 2012:

Do tell Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet according to the Koran only a dumb savage man violate the ITE Law

At the bottom I wrote

We wait for an answer from the Minister of Communications and Informatics, whether telling that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet according to the Koran only a dumb savage man violate the ITE Law, if no answer means not violate the ITE Law.

Due untill this day on August 25, 2012 are not answered by the Minister of Communication and Information Technology, we have the assurance that inform the public that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet only a dumb savage man do not violate the ITE. Law.

This news is very important, let's continue spreading it to all people in all corners of the world, that Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet according to the Koran only a dumb savage man and if explanations needed please read.

Very easy to show that according to the Koran, Muhammad illiterate Arab who claimed prophet only humans dumb savage.

It is really embarrassing a fairy tale made by Muhammad an illiterate Arab who claimed prophet, used to advising the police.

Menkominfo: Memberitahukan bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi menurut Alquran hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB tidak melanggar UU ITE

Pertanyaan berikut saya kirim kepada Menteri Kominfo melalui twitter kemarin tanggal 24 Agustus 2012:

Apakah memberitahukan Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi menurut Alquran hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB melanggar UU ITE?

Di bagian bawah saya tulis:

Kita tunggu jawaban dari Menteri Kominfo, apakah memberitahukan bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi menurut Alquran hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB melanggar UU ITE, jika tidak ada jawaban artinya Tidak Melanggar UU ITE.

Karena hingga hari ini tanggal 25 Agustus 2012 tidak dijawab oleh Menteri Kominfo, kita mendapat kepastian bahwa memberitahukan masyarakat luas bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB tidak melanggar UU ITE.

Ini  berita sangat penting, ayo sebarkan terus kepada semua orang di segala pelosok dunia bahwa Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi  hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB dan jika perlu penjelasan silahkan dibaca.

Sangat mudah menunjukkan bahwa menurut Alquran Muhammad Arab buta huruf yang mengaku nabi menurut Alquran hanya manusia DUNGU yang BIADAB.


Polisi dinasehati hidup seperti tokoh DONGENG Habil oleh Wamenag

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