Friday 6 September 2013

NU is a stupid and barbaric organization saying Miss World does not fit the culture of Indonesia, day-60 after 1500 viewer

Today is day 60 after Vidio titled The End of Islam viewed by 1500 viewer and no single Indonesian Muslim leaders who deny or angry. Let's not doubt to continue spreading that vidio until Islam vanished from the earth and note the following developments.

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, WONOSOBO - Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) remains in its stance refusing performances of Miss World 2013, the Chairman of the NU KH Said Aqil Siradj on the sidelines checking the preparation of the plenary meeting of NU on the campus of the University of Saint Al Quran in Wonosobo, Central Java , Friday (09/06/2013) says, "We continue to reject. This is our stance, not just following." Said Aqil who also insisted that the beauty pageant is not in accordance with the culture of the Indonesian nation.

Look at the appearance of Khofifah Indar Parawansa in the attached photo, is this what is called by NU in accordance with the culture of the Indonesian nation?


NU Organisasi DUNGU dan BIADAB menyebut Miss World tak sesuai budaya bangsa Indonesia, hari ke-60 setelah 1500 viewer.

Hari ini adalah hari ke-60 setelah Vidio berjudul Akhir dari Islam dilihat oleh 1500 viewer dan  tidak ada satu pun tokoh Islam Indonesia yang membantah atau marah. Ayo jangan ragu lagi terus sebarkan vidio tersebut sampai Islam hilang dari muka bumi dan perhatikan perkembangan berikut.

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, WONOSOBO - Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) tetap pada sikapnya menolak pergelaran Miss World 2013, Ketua Umum PBNU KH Said Aqil Siradj di sela-sela memeriksa persiapan pelaksanaan rapat pleno PBNU di Kampus Universitas Saint Al Quran di Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (6/9/2013) mengatakan , "Kami tetap menolak. Ini sikap kami, bukan ikut-ikutan." Said Aqil juga bersikukuh bahwa acara kontes kecantikan tidak sesuai dengan budaya Bangsa Indonesia.

Perhatikan penampilan Khofifah Indar Parawansa di dalam foto terlampir, inikah yang disebut oleh NU sesuai budaya bangsa Indonesia?

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