Monday 30 September 2013

Living in stupidity and barbarity of Islam Gamawan Fauzi made wrong statement on the wrong situation, day-91 after 1500 viewer

Today is day 91 after Vidio titled The End of Islam viewed by 1500 viewer and no single Indonesian Muslim leaders who deny or angry. Let's not doubt to continue spreading that vidio until Islam vanished from the earth and note the following developments.

Interior Minister Gamawan Fauzi, Friday, September 27, 2013. stated that Jokowi needs to evaluate the placement of the headman  of Lenteng Agung Susan Jasmine Zulkifli. "There is a principle in the placement of a person in a position, which is the right man on the right place, or the right man on the right job. It would be a consideration for(Governor) Jakarta," said Gamawan.

At the time Gamawan Fauzi served as regent of Solok then Governor of West Sumatra, said the right man on the right place is not wrong because at that time the government approach was the Security Stability, had not dared to uphold the CONSTITUTION and THE TRUTH.

When Jokowi and Ahok elected as Governor and Deputy Governor of Jakarta, CONSTITUTIONAL and TRUTH approach really is supported by the people. Although Muslims living in stupidity and barbarity of Islam rejects Jokowi and Ahok with carrying verse 5:51 of the people remains choose the truth  and since then the security approach has become OUTDATED.

Gamawan Fauzi has not changed still voicing stupidity and barbarity of Islam, Muslim region must be Muslim village chief, Witless region witless headman, of course reap strong reaction from the public. Gamawan Fauzi should advised Jokowi and Ahok in facing rejection of Headman Susan doing education uphold THE TRUTH and THE CONSTITUTION.

It is better Gamawan Fauzi to realize has voiced the wrong statement on the wrong situation for the sake the development of the states and the nation.


Hidup dalam DUNGU & BIADAB Islam Gamawan Fauzi mengeluarkan wrong statement on the wrong situation, hari ke-91 setelah 1500 viewer.

Hari ini adalah hari ke-91 setelah Vidio berjudul Akhir dari Islam dilihat oleh 1500 viewer dan  tidak ada satu pun tokoh Islam Indonesia yang membantah atau marah. Ayo jangan ragu lagi terus sebarkan vidio tersebut sampai Islam hilang dari muka bumi dan perhatikan perkembangan berikut.

Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi , Jumat, 27 September 2013. menyatakan bahwa Jokowi perlu mengevaluasi penempatan lurah Lenteng Agung Susan Jasmine Zulkifli. "Ada prinsip dalam penempatan seseorang dalam jabatan, yaitu the right man on the right place, atau the right man on the right job. Nah ini kiranya bisa jadi pertimbangan (Gubernur) DKI," ujar Gamawan.

Pada waktu Gamawan Fauzi menjabat Bupati Solok lalu Gubernur Sumatera Barat, mengatakan the right man on the right place tidak salah karena pendekatan pemerintah waktu itu adalah Stabilitas Keamanan, belum berani menegakkan KONSTITUSI dan KEBENARAN .

Ketika Jokowi dan Ahok terpilih menjadi Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Jakarta, pendekatan KONSTITUSI dan KEBENARAN secara nyata sudah didukung rakyat. Walaupun Muslim yang hidup dalam DUNGU & BIADAB Islam menolak Jokowi dan Ahok dengan menenteng ayat 5:51 rakyat tetap memilih yang benar dan sejak saat itu pendekatan Stabilitas Keamanan sudah menjadi USANG.

Gamawan Fauzi belum berubah masih menyuarakan DUNGU & BIADAB Islam, Wilayah Muslim Lurah harus Muslim, Wilayah DUNGU Luruh DUNGU tentu saja menuai reaksi keras dari masyarakat. Seharusnya Gamawan Fauzi menyarankan Jokowi dan Ahok dalam menghadapi penolakan Lurah Susan melakukan EDUKASI yaitu menegakkan KEBENARAN dan KONSTITUSI.

Lebih baik Gamawan Fauzi menyadari telah menyuarakan the wrong statement on the wrong situation agar negara dan bangsa ini menjadi maju.

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